Bunk Beds Vs. Loft Beds For Kids: Which Is Better?

Bunk Beds Vs. Loft Beds For Kids: Which Is Better?

Bunk beds and loft beds for kids are terms often mixed up together among people. However, despite how similar they are, there are major structural differences between them. Cool loft versions come in a number of sizes, types, and price points to fit your needs; the same goes for twin beds. 

It's easier to conduct a quick market survey before deciding on the best styles for your needs and specifications. So, if you're looking for an affordable, space-saving, and safe new bed for your kids, start scrolling!

Difference between bunk beds and loft beds for kids

What is a bunk bed?

A bunk bed is one in which two-bed frames are layered on top of each other. It allows two or more mattresses to share the same amount of floor space as a single style. You can access the upper bunk with a connecting ladder, usually found on the side. Bunk beds offer an extensive range of options because they come in different shapes, sizes, and styles.

  • The most popular form is the traditional bunk bed. It consists of two mattresses of the same size mounted one on top of the other. Yet, you can get mattresses of various sizes to fit the frame.
  • There are shorter and smaller styles targeted to children aged 6-10 years-old
  • They have a variety of entry options, such as straight ladders, angled ladders, stairs, and sometimes, slides. These features can be entertaining for children.
  • If more than two children are sharing one room, you can efficiently use the space with triple or quadruple bunks.
  • An L-shaped bunk bed can be a fun addition to any child's bedroom if you have a little more space to work with.

What is a loft bed?

They are generally made of a raised board without lower bunks. It frees up floor space for other furniture, such as a desk that may be built into the frame.  You can also transform the open area into a play area for the kids. Yet, this style is similar to bunk beds as they both use vertical space.

The various styles include:

  • A low loft, which is ideal for elementary school-aged children;
  • A high loft, which allows for the addition of desks or extra storage below the bed.

Loft beds are often found in college dorm rooms, modern apartments, and even when your child grows up!

Are they safe? 

To allow your children to have a good night’s sleep, there are some safety precautions to take.

Since loft and bunk beds are similar, the following protective measures apply to both:

  • Make sure that there is enough space between the upper mattress and the ceiling. It is recommended to have at least 2 feet.
  • To avoid falls, the beds must have at least two guardrails on the upper bunk (one on either side). 
  • Always use and lock the guardrails. This will keep you safe if you fall from the top bunk. 
  • Make sure they're high-quality side rails made of long-lasting materials and are firmly fastened.
  • Strictly follow the weight limitations for the bunks in the owner's manual.
  • Children under the age of six do not sleep on the top half of the bed. They are unaware of the risks of falling.
  • Stairs or ladder- Stairs are considered safer for younger children because they are easier to climb. They must be made of strong solid wood for reassurance. If you're using a ladder, make sure it's securely fastened to the bed and won't fall.
  • Construction-related issues- You need to look at the materials for safety. The bed frame should not be made of fragile materials like particleboard. 
  • Loft beds must not have any sharp edges that could potentially hurt someone.
  • Once the mattress is in place, there must not be enough room for a child to become stuck between rails at the edge, head, or foot of the bed.

The benefits

1. Loft bed

  • Make Room For Storage

When you live in a small apartment with kids, storage space can be difficult.  You can easily store your children's toys and books in the empty spaces of these sleeping structures.

  • Makes Use Of Vertical Space

Like a bunk design, a loft bed is lifted off the ground by support posts, allowing you to use less horizontal space for your sleeping cot. This decrease in space allows you to customize with more choices, such as a tent or a desk in the empty space.

  • Functional Features

You can get storage space with your loft beds for kids because it has many construction designs. The majority of loft structures come with a chest of drawers and/or a desk built into the frame's bottom section. You have the option to choose between a desk or a drawer among others. With cool loft beds, you don't lose any storage room.

2. Bunk bed

  • A Space-saving Solution For The Floor

They take up one-bed space, leaving plenty of room to move around and store other things such as toys, books, and clothes.

  • There Are Multiple Sleeping Areas

A bunk bed will at least sleep two people, with the possibility of sleeping up to five people. It's ideal for sleepovers and sharing a room with siblings.

  • No Need For A Box Spring And Mattress Collection

The mattress is already supported by a built-in support system in a bunk design. It will save you money because you won't have to look for a mattress match.

  • Various Sizes For Each Sleeper

They can also have extendable pieces and different designs to fit anyone from toddlers to young adults. As your child grows older, the bunk can be extended to fit a taller teen, and all that will be needed is a new mattress. No more stress over getting new beds!

The features

Loft designs are like bunk ones as they sit high and provide many of the same features. When considering the various sleeping options for your bed, it's important to understand the key differences between the two. As a result, you'll know what to expect when you get the furniture.

1. Loft Bed

  • The bottom bunk is either empty or has an installed desk.
  • Cool loft beds with drawers, cabinets, and cupboards are a perfect way to increase your child's bedroom storage space. A cabinet with drawers and cupboards is also a great way to create a more organized room.
  • Wood, plastic, and metal are often used in construction.
  • Guardrails cover the top bunk sleeping area.
  • A cloth tent area can be found underneath some junior loft beds. This is a fantastic choice for both playing and keeping the room clean.
  • A desk can be beneficial for schoolwork.

2. Bunk Bed

  • Four poles or supports, one at each corner of the room, are usually used to support bunk beds.
  • To get to the upper bunk, you'll need to use a ladder or stairs, which is surrounded by a railing to keep the sleeper from falling out.
  • For privacy, some come with curtains around the lower bed.
  • When your child grows up, the bottom bunk can be converted to a double bed.
  • Wood, metal, and other materials are used.

Which one is cheaper?

A loft bed has a slightly higher price tag, as it is a raised style supported by posts and instead of a bottom bunk, there is an open space. The cost of its frame alone is higher than that of a bunk bed due to the greater number of features available like built-in storage.

In contrast, bunk structures have varying prices depending on the features and frame style used. Standard bunk layouts are both functional and affordable, making good use of space at a reduced cost.


Is it better to have bunk or loft beds for kids? When it comes to choosing a style, the question you should ask is, "What version would better fit my preferences and current family situation?"

If you are unable to decide, you can consider this treehouse loft bed. It can be used as both a trunk or loft bed, so you benefit from the best of both worlds!